Services and Benefits
As a member of the Association of Academic Agronomists, you will enjoy a wide range of benefits and services. For example, the union office provides legal advice on work contracts, employment, pay and personal career development. The Association provides advice on pay and employment issues.
The Association offers information on the labour market as well as tools for making improvements. Job centre services are provided on the Association’s website with advice available on career issues and job seeking (in Finnish). By participating in the Mentoring, you will be able to expand your personal network and learn more about work life or pass on your own knowledge to a new generation of experts.
Additionally, you will receive four issues of the Alimenta Magazine and, if you wish, an Akava calendar delivered to your home.
Employment and public-service relationship counselling free of charge
Employment and public-service relationship counselling is available for members free of charge by e-mail at: Aika's legal counselling service hours are Mon-Fri 10 a.m.–16 p.m.